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Country Comments

A municipal judge in Cleveland, Ohio, was ordered to be removed from the bench on indefinite suspension on Oct. 18 and will undergo evaluation for her physical and mental health after a long series of bizarre incidents and behavior, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

One Pharmacist’s View

Our new year is finally here. So is winter. One thing I did first this year was call my sister Sue. She is now in an assisted living home up in Edmond and I was happy to find she received a new phone for Christmas. It is easier to use, so she thinks. I hope she is right. We have had a history of tough luck trying to communicate over her old one. Sue is 4 years younger than me, and we enjoy our time during phone visits. I went to church yesterday and the preacher spoke quite a bit about time. He noted, correctly how we waste it, how we can’t control it or stop it from passing. So true.
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Family Talk

Jim Priest is CEO of Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma and can be reached at DON’T DROP THE BALL I don’t know if you wonder about things like this, but I do.
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Country Comments

Every year around Christmas, Americans stop to pay homage to what is perhaps our most beloved motion picture, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The 1946 film may flicker in black and white, but it still manages to feel fresh in affirming the human spirit as we head into each new year.

Around Town

Hewasgettingoldandpaunchy And his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion, Telling stories of the past. Of a war that he once fought in And the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies; They were heroes, every one.